
StuteoDB’s goal is to be the right answer to nowadays Time Series’ challenges such as :

  • Exponential growth of data volumes
  • Constant search for increased speed / real time
  • Multiple use cases in various specialized fields (IoT, DevOps, Finance, Industry 4.0, Health, …)
  • Increasing need for analysis & prediction capabilities (based on historical data)

StuteoDB has developed an optimized & innovative (patented) data model, time indexation & query language to improve time series management capabilities & performances

 StuteoDB is a Database Manager specialized in Time-Series based on Apache Cassandra, with embedded functionalities “taking the algorithm to the data”   

StuteoDB playground

A good fit in a global eco-system !

What does StuteoDb bring ?

Comparison versus others TimeSeries Databases

Query language
TCQL Language close to SQL with some specific StuteoDb command for time series operations
No use of low performance GROUP BY and ORDER BY commands as in StuteoDB arrays data are already ordered by time stamps and converted into another frequency if needed.
Insertion : 30M/s average which is 15 times faster than classics TimeSeries databases on long time series. Performance only improving with the length of the time series
Queries : 400M/s average for the select request and 30M/s in Json select. For analytics request (with context) we do not have yet implemented these functionality in our database but it is in our roadmap
Same reliability than Cassandra (Best in Class).

We will benefit from the Cassandra eco-system (Road Map).
Operational management
StuteoDB benefits from the Cassandra architecture and as such the high availability of Cassandra.
Disk availability : divided by 2 without compression.
Very low CPU usage (8%)
measured during integration of 300 devices

Company and community support
Need to study the options in particular with the Cassandra community.
Data model
The big difference with StuteoDB is the fact that we do not need to index the timestamps. Indeed all the time series data are stored as an array.



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